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The project

Technology Center

A new technology center is being built in Laufenburg, a town on the Rhine in the canton of Aargau. The former Swissgrid building is being taken over and revitalized. The centerpiece is the new building opposite the existing building. The world's largest and most modern redox flow battery storage facility is being built on an area of over 20,000 m². The storage facility will be complemented by a data center for artificial intelligence and a wind tunnel for research and development purposes in the sports sector.
In cooperation with universities and leading technology companies, an incomparable technology center is being created in Laufenburg. The various subject areas and competence centers create hundreds of jobs and offer specialists, students and universities a solid basis for further development.
+ MW Battery power
+ GWh Battery storage
+ Working spaces

Battery storage

>1,2 GWh

Due to the large dimensions of the FlexBase Technology Center, the battery storage system will operate in the GW/GWh range in terms of both performance and capacity. This specification is based on conventional redox flow technology and will be further refined through research until the completion of the TZL. We are working with renowned institutions in Switzerland and Germany and are setting new standards for both the liquid used and the cell stacks. The main tasks of the battery storage system can be summarized as grid stabilization, voltage security and reactive power compensation. The flow technology used is neither flammable nor explosive.

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AI data center


The data center for artificial intelligence is equipped with the latest technology and security standards to guarantee a fail-safe and scalable solution. The use of water cooling (district heating) makes the data center silent in terms of noise emissions. The waste heat generated is actively used for the district heating network of the town of Laufenburg, surrounding communities and industries within a radius of several kilometers. The district heating enables the decommissioning of fossil-fuel power plants or their strategic conversion as backup systems. This guarantees efficient and sustainable operation. The data center will be designed in collaboration with renowned architects so that it blends in perfectly with the area and will be equipped with a photovoltaic system covering an area of over 8,400 m2. The data center is monitored around the clock by the Network / Security Operation Center's own 24/7/365 monitoring concept.

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Windkanal F&E

150+ km/h

Ein neuer Windkanal für die Sportbranche wird derzeit geplant. Diese Einrichtung ermöglicht es, aerodynamische Faktoren genau zu analysieren und die Effizienz von Bewegungsabläufen zu verbessern. Ein Hauptziel des Windkanals ist die Entwicklung aerodynamischer Sportbekleidung und -Ausrüstung, die den Luftwiderstand reduziert und die Leistung von Athleten steigert. Der Windkanal dient auch der Ausbildung und Weiterbildung von Sportwissenschaftlern und Trainern, die neue Erkenntnisse direkt in die Trainingsmethoden integrieren können. Durch diese praxisnahe Forschung können innovative Trainingskonzepte entwickelt und die sportlichen Leistungen auf ein neues Niveau gehoben werden.
